How to become a volunteer

The application and training process is extensive for our volunteers. We are entrusted by the State, foster system, and families to make sure our campers are kept safe and have the best week possible.

Application Process

  • Volunteer application with 3 references

  • 30 minute interview with members of our leadership team

  • Livescan

  • 8 hours of mandatory training annually for returning volunteers

  • 13.5 hours of mandatory training for new volunteers


Our training sessions are broken out over three in-person sessions where we cover many topics such as TBRI, human trafficking, camp procedures, advice from returning volunteers, and team bonding.

Our volunteers who work directly with our kiddos have received some level of Trust-Based Relational Intervention®  (TBRI®) training. TBRI® was developed at the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development at Texas Christian University to better equip caregivers and others who work with kids from hard places with the skills and tools needed to be successful in their various roles. TBRI® is a holistic, attachment-based, evidence-based, and trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children.

TBRI® introduces trainees to:
Empowering Principles – address physical needs
Connecting Principles – address attachment needs
Correcting Principles – address fear-based behaviors

 To learn more about TBRI®, click here.